We are committed to providing an equitable environment for students with disabilities to participate in university study. The UniSQ Accessibility team operates under the principles of supporting academic success through self-determination, enabling independence, and promoting social justice.
Eligibility for support
Some adjustments will require you to be registered with our service before they can be provided to you, while other supports are universally available to all students. Our team is available to have a confidential conversation about how UniSQ can support you to move forward with your studies.
You will be eligible for registration and support with our service if you have short or long term medical condition which impacts upon your daily living activities as defined by the Disability Discrimination Act 1992. Carers as defined under the Carer Recognition Act 2010 or other unique circumstances which may impact your ability to access university study will also make you eligible for support.
Register for disability support
If a specific adjustment is required for you to access study, you will need to participate in an appointment to discuss the services and supports that may assist you during your studies. Face to face, online, or telephone appointments are available, and we may request medical or other supporting documentation as part of the registration process.
At this appointment, we will discuss with you information around what to expect during your studies, strategies for becoming an independent learner and inherent requirements in the area of study you are enrolled. A tailored pathway of support which may also include the recommendation of reasonable adjustments will then be developed based on your individual needs, to help set you up for success in your studies.
Information on what documentation will need to be provided as part of your registration can be found in the Documentation Requirements (PDF 177KB). You will also be required to complete the following forms and return them on or before your appointment with an Accessibility team member.
- Registration Form (PDF 170KB)
- Health Practitioner Report (PDF 170KB) (or other appropriate supporting documentation as advised in the Documentation Requirements)
- Permission to Advocate Form (PDF 135KB) (only required if you wish to appoint an advocate)
If you require these forms in other accessible formats, please email disabilitysupport@unisq.edu.au
Support and services
Once you are registered, a member of our team will help coordinate the implementation of any required reasonable adjustments. We understand that individual circumstances and support needs change, and that that strategies and skill develop over time. As such, the duration for which the support will be available to you will be determined during your interview and outlined in your Learning Support Plan (LSP) which can be reviewed at any time.
The main objective of any recommended adjustments is to reduce the impact of your circumstances on your access to your studies, and to support equitable participation in all aspects of your degree. An adjustment is considered reasonable when it assists a student to participate in their education on the same basis as other students, balances the interests of the University and other students, and maintains the integrity of the inherent requirements of courses and programs. Please remember that all requests for adjustments must be made within a reasonable timeframe to allow support to be organised.
While private tutoring and personal care supports are not provided as part of an LSP, there are a variety of general support and advocacy resources that we can link you with.
Consulting with our team can help you identify and leverage your strengths both in your studies and beyond your academic endeavours. Our support may involve discussions about developing and implementing personal strategies and resources to reduce dependence on external assistance and promote self-sufficiency. Additionally, we may recommend other options tailored to your needs, such as: