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Recognition of prior learning (RPL) for credit

If you have prior work or other life experience or have studied previously, you may be eligible for recognition of prior learning (RPL) for credit. Credit can help reduce your tuition fees, study load and the time it takes to complete your degree.

Whether you’re interested in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree, you may receive credit for the skills, knowledge and experience you have gained through prior learning. 

The University has limits on the amount of credit that can be granted towards each type of degree program, as well as how recently you undertook the prior learning, which is referred to as “currency of learning”. Read the Credit and Exemption Procedure for more details on the conditions you need to meet to be considered for RPL for credit or admission.

The University will review your previous learning experiences, whether formal qualifications or other types of non-formal and informal learning.

Formal study - Universities, accredited institutions, TAFE and VET providers

Formal study takes place through a structured program of learning that leads to the full or partial achievement of an officially accredited qualification. Examples include:

  • study undertaken with other Australian higher education providers
  • study undertaken at a Vocational Education and Training (VET) provider including TAFE and private colleges
  • study at recognised overseas institutions.

Non-formal learning - Workplace/industry professional development, community/volunteer training

Non-formal learning takes place through a structured program of learning but does not lead to an officially accredited qualification. Examples include workshops, short courses and learning and training activities undertaken in the workplace, voluntary sector or in community-based settings.

Informal learning - Work, social, hobby, leisure experience

Informal learning is gained through work, social, family, hobby, volunteering or leisure activities and experience. Informal learning is not organised or externally structured in terms of objectives, time or learning support.

Pathways with credit

UniSQ has pathways arrangements with various local and international education providers. These formal arrangements can help fast-track your studies by providing you with guaranteed credit towards your UniSQ degree program. If your prior studies are listed in the Articulation Register, you can simply apply for admission and will be automatically assessed for the listed UniSQ credit.

RPL can be assessed for specific credit, non-specific credit in a given discipline or an exemption from completing a particular course. The type of credit you may be granted will be determined by the program you’re enrolled in or applying for at the University and the level, content and completion status of your prior learning.

Specified Credit for Formal Studies

If your previous studies at an accredited educational institution are directly comparable to the content and learning outcomes of a specific UniSQ course, you may be eligible for specified credit for that course. This means you won’t have to study that course and it will be recorded as a credit on your Academic Transcript.
Examples of supporting documents

  • Official transcripts for either complete or incomplete qualifications
  • Course outlines (also known as course guides, unit guides or outlines etc) including assessment requirements, content covered, required readings and course weighting
  • Course learning outcomes mapped to the UniSQ course learning outcomes
  • Key to results, including grades and their meaning

Find your selected program in the UniSQ Handbook and look up the program structure which will give you details on the courses that make up the program. Clicking on each course takes you to the course outline and makes it easier for you to compare the learning outcomes from your previous studies to the learning outcomes of specific UniSQ courses.

Supporting documents in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified English translation. 

UniSQ’s Credit Calculator allows you to find out what credit decisions have been made in the past for recognition of prior formal studies. These precedents may give you a guide to the credit that you could be entitled to. If the courses you’ve previously studies are listed in the Credit Calculator, you don’t need to provide course outlines or mapping of course learning outcomes.

Unspecified Credit for Formal Studies

When there is no comparable UniSQ course, your formal studies can be recognised as unspecified credit. In this case, where your program rules allow it, your RPL will count towards an elective course (listed or free choice) or other optional components of your program. 

Examples of supporting documents:

  • Official transcripts for either complete or incomplete qualifications
  • Course outlines (also known as course guides, unit or subject guides etc) including assessment and course weighting
  • Key to results including grades and their meaning.

Credit for Non-Formal and Informal Learning

Recognition of non-formal and informal learning usually leads to unspecified credit. Evidence needs to document your prior learning and demonstrate:

  • the standard of learning required for admission to your specific UniSQ program; or
  • achievement of the standard of learning appropriate to the level of the relevant UniSQ elective course (for unspecified credit)
  • achievement of the specific learning outcomes of the relevant UniSQ course (for specified credit).

It is up to you as the student to consider your prior learning and compare it to the requirements of learning outcomes of selected courses within your program of study.

You need to map what you already know, including theoretical and practical skills, to what is required in the course. When assessing prior learning, the Program Director will give consideration to:

  1. Validity: the evidence presented clearly and logically relates to the learning outcomes.
  2. Authenticity: the work and learning can be verified as your own
  3. Currency: the learning has been acquired recently, usually within the last 10 years, unless otherwise prescribed by professional accrediting bodies. In considering formal studies completed more than 10 years earlier, evidence of relevant experience during the intervening period may be taken into account.
  4. Sufficiency: evidence of the volume of learning, content and context of prior learning is sufficient to verify equivalence with the level of the relevant UniSQ course.

RPL credit for new students

Applying through QTAC

If you apply to study with UniSQ via QTAC, you’ll need to complete an Application for Recognition of Prior Learning. You should email the application directly to as soon as you can after you've submitted your QTAC application.

Direct (Domestic Student)

If you apply to study directly through UniSQ, you’ll need to wait until you are an active student and have received your log-in details.

You should submit your RPL application through your Student Centre as soon as you can, preferably prior to initial enrolment in courses. This will allow you to adjust your study plan, if you receive credit for a particular course. Applications received after commencement of the relevant study period will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.

Direct (International Student)

If you’re an international student, you'll need to consider the impact of recognition of prior learning on your overall program duration, and the requirements of your student visa. Application for RPL should be made at the point of applying for your UniSQ program. We'll endeavour to process the application prior to issuing your Letter of Offer.

If the duration of the UniSQ program changes due to recognition of prior learning, the Letter of Offer will state the revised duration of your program. The Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) issued to you for the purpose of obtaining a student visa will also reflect the revised program duration. Where sufficient information isn’t available to assess an application at the point of offer, recognition may be approved after the offer is issued. 

Applications for Credit based on prior formal learning will normally be assessed within 10 working days. Applications for Credit based on prior informal or non-formal learning will normally be assessed within 20 working days. You may be requested to provide additional information, which may extend processing timeframes. 

You’ll be emailed the outcome of your application once the assessment is complete. The outcome of a successful application for credit will include the type and the amount of credit and exemptions granted. Where credit is not granted, students will be advised of the reasons for the decision and options for review. Advice in relation to credit is not binding unless advised in writing as an outcome of a formal application process as per the Credit and Exemption Procedure.


The granting of credit could affect your study load and therefore eligibility for Centrelink payments. Centrelink must be advised of any changes in study load.

Professional Accreditation

For some programs, credit for RPL may not meet accreditation or registration to practice requirements  of professional bodies, such as CPA Australia for accounting/finance programs, or there may be restrictions on the type or currency of your prior learning. If this is the case, the information will be listed.

RPL credit for continuing students

You can apply for Recognition of Prior Learning for Credit for previous studies at any point in your program but we recommend you do so as early as possible.

If you’re applying for specified credit on the basis of prior formal learning, check the UniSQ Credit Calculator to see if a course you’ve previously studied at another institution has already been assessed for equivalence with a UniSQ course.

If you’re an international student, you'll need to consider the impact of recognition of prior learning on your overall program duration, and the requirements of your student visa.

You can complete your application via your Student Centre. Please refer to the RPL Student Guide for further guidance and examples of supporting evidence.

Your application for credit won’t be assessed until all required information and supporting documentation have been supplied.


The granting of credit could affect your study load and therefore eligibility for Centrelink payments. Centrelink must be advised of any changes in study load.

Professional Accreditation

For some programs, credit for RPL may not meet accreditation or registration to practice requirements  of professional bodies, such as CPA Australia for accounting/finance programs, or there may be restrictions on the type or currency of your prior learning. If this is the case, the information will be listed.

Need assistance with your RPL application?