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Japanese Garden Tea House

Japanese Garden.
Japanese Garden Tea House.

Officially opened in 1989, the Japanese Garden on the northern side of the University of Southern Queensland’s Toowoomba campus is an intrinsic piece of the region’s historic connection to beautiful gardens and horticulture.

One of Australia’s largest and most traditionally designed Japanese stroll gardens, the Garden is also known as also known as Ju Raku En, meaning ‘to enjoy peace and longevity in a public place’, and features 230 species of Japanese and Australian native trees and plants.

Jointly owned by the University of Southern Queensland and the Toowoomba Regional Council, the maturing Garden is a beautiful space of peace and tranquillity and is a popular venue for weddings and other significant events – securing the location as an emblem of the Toowoomba community.

Now, more than 30 years on since Doctor Adrian Allen made his dream of a beautiful Japanese style garden a reality, the University of Southern Queensland is looking towards the completion of the jewel in the crown of the beloved Japanese Garden – the Japanese Tea House.

In celebration of Toowoomba’s rich educational and cultural history, you can donate to the University’s Tea House Fund to complete this important and idyllic community space.

For more information or to donate, visit our website.