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  • Confirmation of Candidature - The Night sky and Outer Space as an "Environment"- an Exploration Into Policy, Ethics, and Practice

Confirmation of Candidature - The Night sky and Outer Space as an "Environment"- an Exploration Into Policy, Ethics, and Practice

Candidate : Jessica Heim
05 JUN 2024
9.00 AM - 10.30 AM
Online via Zoom

In the era of NewSpace, costs to launch objects into space is decreasing, and access to space is increasing, in both the public and private sectors in nations around the world.   Many countries and companies are eagerly rushing to join the "new economies" to be found in LEO, cislunar obits, on the moon, and beyond.   Much emphasis is placed on the ways that increasing numbers of satellites, space-based resource extraction, and human activity in space could benefit society and create economic opportunities.   

For more information, please email the Graduate Research School or phone 0746 311088.